Friday, November 30, 2018

Handling my first project: Mistakes to not repeat

Peace be upon you and hi <3

It was my first time experiencing of being a director of a project. The project was about to search for people with hidden talent in debating and aimed to get to polish them so that we will have more debater representatives for our Student Council group.

I was the director of this project and it was my first time ever, anyway.

I must admit that it went a little awry because there were so many last minutes tasks since my team and I were unexperienced but alhamdulillah on that day where the event happens, we did it successfully evenhough there were still some "glitches" occured.

Sometimes we win and sometimes we learn. 

1. Should you do it alone or could you rely on the others?

When it comes to group project, never ever do it alone. I believe there must be some time where we feel burdened especially being the director of the project and perhaps we don't feel belong to the group. This is where we should work it out. Start talking, start asking and get everyone in the group involved. We can't wait for people to ask us if we want their help. We're the one who hold the accountability to assign the tasks for them. Thus, we can't simply rely on them 100%. We give them tasks and we believe they're willing to commit to the tasks. What if they don't? Now.. that gets me to the next point.

2. What if they don't commit?

It's totally their problem, not yours to be honest but of course I did worry about it because this whole project was under my responsibility anyway so what I did was:
Meet them face to face, briefing about the project, assign the tasks again and again (I did a hardcopy planning where their names are included so it will seem more serious).

They will just do you know.. since I believe they will end up choosing to commit. My point is, get enganged, make them feel important and make them feel they're rensposible. They're just human beings like us after all.

3. Be prepared a month before

When it comes to group project, we usually happen to know it like few months before to work on it so try as much as we can to be prepared like a month before because that's the only way to get things  work smoothly as planned (though, I know sometimes it's hard to achieve this a month before but let's try to make it anyway <33)

4. Follow/synchronize all the formats

Paperwork, report, and budgets are the main things so make sure to know and to understand the format of all these stuffs and then synchronize them all. This is where our basic knowledge in Word and Excel get tested so.. learn if you haven't and re-learn if you did, honestly for our own good.

5. Remember the check list

Check list is just very crucial for almost everything, right? Include all the items/materials we'll be needing before, during and after the project! Don't forget to be very specific on our check list. For this project, I only did the check list using the notepad in my smart phone so it's easier for me to tick off things that have been done.

That's all for now. I will keep updating more on this later on inshaallah! because my team are having more projects onwards and all of the upcomings are the big events and I couldn't wait to share them here! <3

These are only based on my experience but if you have yours, wouldn't you mind sharing?

Thanks for reading.

Till then,


Monday, August 06, 2018

My undergraduate programme: I expected UTEM

Peace be upon you!

Hi peeps, it's been a while :)

Oh, anyway, I just finished my 1-year-programme under matriculation college around April 2018 and that was one of the hardest part I had to let go. But after it all, I still had to so yes I did. I did let it go. Please be informed this is not me being overly dramatic whatsoever, I'm just easily cling to a good memory or a good person but these days, I just don't let myself cling onto these little things too much. It won't do me good.

My cgpa/pointer was a so-so, there's nothing to brag about.

I applied the same course which was IT-related for 12 different universities while I was still being skeptical towards myself; like am I sure gonna pursue this or not. One of the reasons I took matriculation college as well. Cause I didn't sure if Chemical Engineering suit me or not at that time (I got that course for my diploma programme).

So this was my 2nd option:
2. Computer Science USM

So after putting everything into thinking, I changed my top 3 option in UPU (the same thing as UCAS etc), I did wanna do Computer Engineering in UTEM or in UNIMAP. Because heck, I think I really love physics and that was like the only IT-related course that has something to do with physics (ikr AI has physics too but it's different hehe) SO WHY NOT RIGHT?

This was the top 3 options that I thought I have changed:
1. Computer Engineering UTEM
2. Computer Engineering UNIMAP
3. Pure Physics USM

(Of course with a high hope i'll get in the top 2 because I did never imagine myself getting into USM at all, it seemmed so impossible for me because I doubted my cgpa a lot)

And the day of the UPU result leaked out, this was what I saw:

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

My 3rd job so far

There, a place where I need a fearless me to climb every height no matter how high,
And a little patience to add on on coping with every person showing up no matter who.

Indeed, God answers our prayers in so many different ways, most of the time, unpredictable and unprecedented. This is probably one of them. I prayed for help me getting out from my anxiety.

Now that I can socialize a lot much better even though I ain't still good at giving nice first impression. Well, at least, people say they cherish my presence after being around me for a few times. But the core is, my social skill improves a lot now. Thank God. I hope I can do more than just this. Inshaallah amin.

Keep praying :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Barbecue party by the beach with classmates! :)

Hi there! 

I just wanna make a confession; that I feel like the job as "secretary" kinda suits me. Cause....

Sunday, April 08, 2018

Chinese songs in my playlist

Hi everyone!

So these recent past few days, I've began my journey to practically involve myself with some mandarin/chinese environment despite the fact that I haven't found myself a close chinese friend in my college yet. I mean I've got a few chinese colleagues but we aren't just that close enough to get myself learning mandarin from them. Hence, I am currently learning it all by myself.

Frankly speaking, learning mandarin as an add up for a bilingual person like me so that I can level up to a trilingual; considering a lot of benefits that I can have in the future, it has been so long ago in my bucketlist but only now that I can see I am taking it serious.

For now, I am only keeping myself to constantly listen to two chinese songs in my playlist which I consider them as the songs for a beginner like me.

All I do is trying to listen carefully so that I'd know how do I pronoun certain pinyin(s) and I try to memorize the basic stuffs we got in every language as in the noun for persons such as wo(I), ni(you), wo men(us), ta men(they) and more. However I still find myself having trouble with the tone on every pinyin. If you have any idea how to improve on this, please do tell me!

Not to forget that I also use an app to keep myself improving day by day, not just simply heedlessly learning through songs on my own. Cause for me, we always need someone to guide us. And as for that, I use lingodeer which is for me quite fun and simple to add to my routine.

That is that my progress by far. Anyways, the point of sharing this on my blog is to ensure that I got to keep something in my routine as for a reminder or more like a boost-tool for me to get going. Idk I think this is the best idea to keep myself consistent on it. :)

Oh oh, before I forget to share the two songs with you, here are they:

  1. You exist in my song
  2. Wo hen wo ai ni
I love the melodies/rythm in this songs that they have their own signature to bring that tinge of feeling inside me. You're welcomed to give them a try too! Why not aite? 

And if you have tips/tricks in learning mandarin, do leave them in the comment section cause Im really looking up for some! Hehe. Till we meet again.

Sunday, April 01, 2018

Harith Iskander Show in Penang (+gotten into a haunted lift)

Uhm hello, well Im really eager to share this one in my blog but I just have time (uhm..well..I mean to steal some appropriate time is the hardest part for me after all yet Im trying as much as possible TO MAKE TIME for everything I want to achieve) and blogging kinda getting awkward to me :)))

That one is for how long I haven't been involved in such writing, blogging and so forth that it's started to get boring.

Back to when I joined Harith Iskander show in Penang with the english club committee from my college and one of the wonderful things was that we were getting so much warm welcome from the emcee, Harith Iskander himself(&his wife too!!), services provided and all the people. All credits go to Sir Kelvin and other lecturers for having done their very best to provide the best for us all. Ikr we couldn't thank them enough for the hard work but some credit would always remind me of them. Yes, always. So yeepiee!!

This is the ballroom where the show was held, small yet large enough to feel that one vibe Harith managed to bring us into.

Because I wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to take a selfie with this Dr I've been admiring from behind the screen x) Dr Jezamine Lim. She was soooo effortless, beautiful, amazing, and polite. <3

And she also took the picture of us with her husband. Oh my God still cant believe I was smiling to the camera she's holding haha.

I am so glad to realise how lucky I was to be surrounded by these people. I couldn't describe how much I enjoyed their vibes. They were so supportive towards each other!

And last but not least, captain america! Lol x)

Oh, wait, regarding the haunted lift part?

Here the story begins.. haha

So we all finished at 11 pm something and we were lined up to go back to where we belong (I mean to our bus haha) together but because of 2 of us were missing (not literally missing but they were at somewhere else) so Mr.kelvin accompanied & helped us so that no one will go missing again.

We followed him all the way and I had no idea which lane did we use inside that mall at that moment. All I remembered was isolated places, none was there other than our group, and out of sudden, we found a lift.

Thinking it will ease our journey, he asked us to go 10 by 10 and I had no clue how I was lucky enough to be one of the first 10 to go first.

3 guys, 7 girls, inside a lift written "maximum 11 people" from level 5 heading to level 1. Pushed the button, door closed and we were ready.

Suddenly, the sound we usually feel inside the lift stopped, thinking we were already trapped. All became quiet and speechless. "Ahh sudah," one of us said. And suddenly, it became normal and worked again so we went "ahhh lega" but then that same thing happened again for like a few times until we reached somewhere...

The door opened and it was completely dark outside. The only lighting source was only from the lift. B. We were at B which means Basement. We were awestruck by what we saw. Dried leaves scattered everywhere on the floor. No one was there. It looked like an abandoned building. I saw cookies too on the floor, still in whole.

And out of sudden, the lift beeps as if we exceeded the limit of people or something. One said "no matter what happened, one has to go out" or else, we won't be able to even close the door you know!

I saw the frightened looks on each of us. I felt mine too. A guy said "It can't be one, must at least half of us" lmao ikr he was scared as well.

"Or three of the guys" someone suggested.

And there was this guy said "Guys..okla guys, c'mon be the guys." They were unwillingly volunteered to wait in that dark basement, I felt like we owe them something.

The moment they three stepped outside, "if later you guys came here and couldn't find us, pls inform mr.kelvin" but we laughed instead. Sorry guys.

So we the girls were still determined to go to level 1 which is the destination. But then the same thing happened. The sound stopped as if it crashed and went alright. We noticed that it sped up and skipped level 1,2,3, and 4. And we were back at level 5. Tadaaa! Mr Kelvin was still there with the others and we informed him everything. Of course he asked us to fetch those guys back.

So we left only 2 girls inside the lift to go and fetch them. You know what did I think at that moment? I thought stuffs likw "what if they're not humans anymore?" Cause I watched Highland Tower and that place was as that scary.

Minutes later, they were here with us. Alhamdulillah saved. But still I was wanting to reassure whether they were humans or not. Haha. So I talked to them a bit and kinda reassured. Hahaha.

Ok that is the story. After that, we just use the stairs instead. Only the 10 of us knew how "keras" that place was at that moment.

Till we meet again yeah alright bye. xx

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

MEMORI @ KMPP 2k18 (ft. The Faith & Farah Fakhira)

If you guys know this band whom do a lot of songs cover but in the islamic version, you guys must notice Fahimi in the picture above.. and yeah as well as his friends but Aniq wasn't there that night though. But can you spot me too? Impossible, meh. =p

Let me bring you back to the January of 2018,

BUT FIRST, basically MEMORI stands for "minggu evolusi minda optimis remaja islam" whereas an annual event that brings the tinge of love towards each other (cos its acitivities require each team members to cooperate well) but the one-year-programme-students could only enjoy it once in a lifetime. sobs. 

There were a few of activities held for all the students who would vounteerily join as well as the lecturers too, even the pengarah played football along with the students (he's basically so supportive to us) and there was also an expo held (we got stalls and food trucks) whereas opened for public.

I wouldn't want to miss the extra co-cu mark and that was my purpose at first cause the idea of that event was so vague to me like I never had thought it to be a very big event. Oh, anyways, I was in the multimedia team & we were given our own team members and responsibilities as well as task. Got to be so fortunate that I was able to work with the people I'm easily fitting in. The task for my group was to create a video for the closure event and what can you expect more from a closure event other than the throwbacks right? 

So thankfully we summed up our ideas to at least render the audience to be awestruck in happiness for how much we've made together. Thanks for the idea of "interview people" sorta things blablabla and many more all the teammates!

Hence, we worked hard on the days when people were having blast, enjoying their activities, basyirah went to interview people with her iphone, while haziyah and I, we were recording here and there, trying not to miss an event, and I had no idea on why the heck did I have to walk everywhere with my laptop bag?!! haha you wouldn't want to miss that so...

I went sleep over at my teaamate's room to finish this video with her cause I need some support and ideas too and tbh we slept at 4am and woke up at 6 something almost 7.

and this usually happened lmao 

Despite of the laptop bagpack, we enjoyed the expo as well with all the fun!

No, I didn't record with this camera. It's not mine, it's Farah Fakhira husband's. I just used up my phone! =)

A flashmob during the expo. We got the message but need more fun though? Just my pov. No offense. 

Managed to record this beautiful moment during the night when we had The 4aith with us! 

I got to capture this cause I was working guys. So do the volunteer if there's any big event involving your idols. Ok kidding, girls. chill.

And more pictures! (but they're taking so long to load time eh if I've more leisure time)

Alhamdulillah that everything went well despite when we didn't manage to render the video at the last minute that aslmost tear me down but thankfully our leader team was there to help. Alhamdulillah and thank to everyone who sent us warm messages regarding our beautiful video project. I've to admit that it was full of flaws but also gotta admit that people inside it make it beautiful. <3

Frankly speaking, it made me realise it wasn't about the co-cu marks, it wasn't of big events of which celebrities involved, it wasn't really those fancy things (and also not those worse things - ok so I didn't tell you we were scolded part during the rehearsal but normal lah tu), it was incredibly more than just what eyes could see. It's where the heart only feels, sorta thing.  Let me tell you a story..

I used to have a dream of publishing my video on the large screen where all eyes on it, I almost made it during my high school, I finished up a video for teacher's day but as we plan, Allah plans too, and indeed, Allah's plans are yet the best. The timing was probably wrong and my patience was tested. But in 2018, I managed to tick another box from my bucket list and I believe, the timing was just right, and there were people helping me too! They taught me a several of new things.
And one thing for sure: Allah sees your effort & your desires, and he also sees your proofs. Thing will just fall into its places just as how beautiful as it's supposed to be. Don't worry much about the timing. <3 
omg my belly need to stop growling. ok no. I should eat. BYE!

Monday, January 01, 2018

Penang: Went 8 Places in 2 days

And, oh, 1 companion, which was my awesome clique I made in college, Kinah and here I got some experiences and beautiful shots taken there to share with you! :)

Day first
Ok just to clarify that we've gotten ourselves there a day before, it just that we started off our journey on that day.

Since Kinah is just skillful enough to ride a motorbike so why don't we just let her ride me throughout the day? And since, Georgetown is her hometown as well. It was drizzle when we were heading on to Georgetown, Chowrosta to be exact but then it was all sunny and breezy so me as the pillion was gleefuly enjoyed the ride like the WHOLE RIDE! (but I believe it must be exhausting riding a motorbike since you haven't in a long time - so kinda pity her - but as long as I enjoyed hahahaha)

As we all have been informed that Georgetown or Penang Island offers so many Instagrammable spots and places, you just have to explore them (and try different angles as well). I suggested some places to Kinah as well though ipso facto it's where her first playground must be at.

We stopped by just anywhere we found nice encompassing the one with old-look-door-entrance and then the passersby gave me a strange look but of course you don't have to care :p

From Chowrosta to Little India, Kapitan Keling Mosque, A super-tasty muslim western cafe nearby, Street Art to Pesta Penang and also Kapitan Restaurant to get Chicken Naan.

So here are some of the pictures!

so here's the LinkBike to help you cycling around Penang if you'd prefer to.

Around the Street Art, more fascinating ones on the walls here and there.

Oh and apparently if you locate for any budget hotel that are especially for travellers, you might go for Container Hotel or Capsule.

Ok and here are some of the pics while we were at Pesta, enjoyed all the jitter rides! (Some asked bout the entrance fee, it's RM5 per person)

This one was the "Challenger" which was quite insane or I think I was more insane than I thought. I was the ONLY ONE who brought my phone along and recorde a short video and boldly selfied like whatever and the people looked at me like...zzZZZz? hahaha cause I swear you've to be super vigilant bout yourself, hang on there tight but extra to me, gotten to be vigilant about my phone as well so I was like super adhered and concerned to both. BUT STILL MANAGED TO SELFIE. Hehe. I'd love to upload the short video I took but the internet seems doesn't want to cooperate at the moment.

Earlier, we tried out "single roller coaster" (let's name it that way) quite insane but not so adventurous but you can already yell loud and forget bout the surroundings. 

That background is the CHALLENGER I was talking about. RM16 for 8 tickets.

This was just pretty <3

Day 2nd
Gurney Plaza (Had McD), National Park, Monkey Beach and went dinner at Sup Hameed.

Transportation: Hop On Hop Off Bus (using student card + pre-christmas promo so got only RM6 per each of us)

(Interframe at its best -_-)

This was at Monkey Beach. Frankly speaking, there were so many Instagrammable spots there but I didn't manage to cover all but it's ok BUT it just lacks of something which is Halal stalls. I'm not sure if there were any but all we found were stalls selling beers. 

Hop On Hop Off during the night! (Ikr I look super chubby there but that's alright haha)

I'm sorry for finishing this post in a rush. I'm currently packing up back to my college. 

And oh, my result for 1st semester is out. I'd love to share it here if there are times. See ya soon. :)